You can play on Low Stakes or High Stakes machines, and obviously the High Stakes machines give you the best pay-outs. Using three options, you’ll attempt to get as close to the number 20 as possible - basically like blackjack. Quasar is a gambling mini-game you can find at Flux and the Silver Coast Casino on the Citadel. Mass Effect 3: How To Get The Best Ending | War Assets Guide | Mass Effect 2: How To Save Everyone | Suicide Mission Guide More Mass Effect: Legendary Edition guides: Enjoy it while you can when things are simple and the Citadel is a nice big place to explore. It’s only available in Mass Effect 1, so don’t expect to keep using these tricks in the later games of the series. Fans of the series have figured out exactly what winning moves you need to win at the fake game of Quasar, and we’ve got the tables explaining how to bet for each step of the game.Īnd Mass Effect: Legendary Edition doesn’t tinker with this mini-game.
But, in Mass Effect, you’re free to farm all the money in the world using casinos thanks to some very favorable odds. Slot Machines aren’t designed to give you a greater payout than what you put it. In the real world, casinos aren’t the best place to earn money - especially if you’re playing your luck at the slots.